This tutorial will cover several aspects of the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) concept as set forth by ICAO. First, we investigate the requirements described by relevant annexes to the convention of Chicago and the PBN manual ICAO Doc 9613. Next, we quickly recapitulate the principles of GNSS operation and receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM), which is required for the PBN implementation called required navigation performance or short RNP. Within RNP, the tutorial covers also RNP AR and the new advanced RNP concept.
From an entirely aircraft based navigation solution, we progress to augmentation systems such as provided via satellite link (such as the WAAS and EGNOS system) or ground stations (called GBAS or LAAS). For each of those systems the tutorial covers the principles of operation, computation of the augmented position solution and their implementation in operational use and associated benefits.
Instructor Biography
Thomas Dautermann received his undergraduate degree in physics from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern, followed by a MSc and PhD from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Since 2008 he has been working at the German Aerospace Center DLR as a researcher and project manager in the field of performance based navigation, flight guidance and satellite navigation. Dr. Dautermann also holds commercial pilots licenses from the United States and Europe.